We know that for some of our older clients, or clients with complicated medical needs, it can be hard to keep track of appointments and medications. It can also be difficult to get to and from each appointment. Our Outreach team are compassionate and understanding to these problems and provide a wide range of support to ensure patients are on top of their health needs.
These services include:
Home Visits
Appointment recalls
My Aged Care Referrals
Arranging appointments with Specialists
Health checks
Liaison with other health providers
Liaison with other units within Atsichs Mackay
Liaison with Chemists
Elder Care Support
Our Elder Care Support Program offers support in the process of registering eligible clients to the My Aged Care services which can be challenging for most elders. Additionally, our elder care support team also supports the elders and their families on understanding what they are entitled too, both from the My Aged Care service, but with other aged care services, programs, and more.